What is your next 100-day plan?
Recently while scrolling through the several newsletters and emails I get a week (I don’t read everything I look for things that catch my attention and focus on just that), I saw this section of the newsletter that got me thinking:
James Clear is the author of the book Atomic Habits: Tiny Changes, Remarkable Results. A book I have not yet read, but I believe I either own it somewhere, or it is on my purchase soon list. (I have a lot of books and tend to buy more books faster than I can read them.)
As I think about this question, and the sub questions it sparked some reminder of things I have wanted to do. In fact, I get a reminder daily that was supposed to be done months ago but I have not put time into doing, and that is:
“Analyze and determine rank of relationships, friendships, etc. (Who stays, who goes, who is limited access, and who do you invest in further?”
I am a people person. I love people. Just ask my coworkers at my current full-time job, it is not hard to strike up conversation with me and have that conversation last for what feels like forever and spider web approximately across 30 million some different topics. I am also an individual whose energy is restored by being left alone and cut off from everyone. (I essentially an introvert, with extroverted behaviors).
The number one thing this CEO would focus on is determining who I needed to invest in, and who I needed to distance myself from. If there is not a positive return in that relationship, then it needs to be limited or gotten rid of all together.
They would also help me to stay on track with not just planning my time management, but by avoiding the distractions (commonly people) that keep me from maintaining that time plan. Time is very valuable to me. Especially since being in the coma. I will never get that time back, and therefore I strongly want to maintain my time better, to continue pushing forward in a positive direction. I’m not perfect, and can be easily distracted in multiple fronts, including people, as well as other stressors such as not knowing where to go next, health issues and many other factors. These are all things that the CEO would analyze, and figure out what the next best steps are, and implement those into my life.
I chuckle, because as I think of the answers to this question, I realize most of these answers are all things that have been on my mind, and that I simply need to implement for myself. It is just a matter of doing, and less thinking. When you are someone like me who likes to think a lot, and trying to see all the potential possible outcomes, it is important to step back and remind yourself, think less, do more.
So, imagine yourself in this situation. If you hired the best CEO in the world to be the CEO of your life, what actions would be on their 100-day plan?